Commentaries from Japan Tourism Agency
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The Hiroshima Museum of Art, located within the city’s Central Park just south of Hiroshima Castle, ...
Edmund Blunden (1896–1974), a British poet and pacifist with deep connections to Japan, is memoriali...
Kurihara Sadako (1913–2005) was an acclaimed poet and writer noted for giving an eloquent voice to h...
The city’s professional baseball team, the Hiroshima Carp, is a testament to the potential of sports...
This building, modest in size but displaying a curious blend of Western- and Japanese-style architec...
The bell tower of this Buddhist temple, located 1,750 meters east of the A-bomb blast’s hypocenter, ...
The Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art (Hiroshima MOCA) is the city’s foremost venue for mode...
These four sizable warehouses, situated in the south of the city 2.7 kilometers from the A-bomb blas...
Fukuromachi Elementary School, located 460 meters southeast of ground zero, was a vital part of the ...
Honkawa Elementary School, located just across the Motoyasu River from the A-bomb Dome and now featu...
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